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About Prestige


Important: Beware of Impostor Sites


Prestige International found that a third party produced related websites under our company's name "Prestige International":

The content listed on the above website or claims to represent our company to solicit individual and institutional investors for investment and trading.Prestige International hereby declares that it has nothing to do with the release of such information and may report this incident to relevant law enforcement agencies.

People from all walks of life are requested to be vigilant and avoid incurring losses.
Sincerely, Prestige International
September 26, 2022

Contact Us

  • Address:Unit E, 35th Floor, Block B, Billion Centre, 1 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong
  • Fax:(852)3759 6800
  • Customer Hotline:(852)3759 6888
  • Email:[email protected]

24 hours to serve you
during the trading hours

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